Hacktoberfest 2023 Wrap-Up

Hacktoberfest was an amazing experience this year! It's hard to believe it's already come to an end. A huge thank-you to all the participants who made October such a memorable month. 💟
This year,
- We saw 17 contributors,
- We received over 24 pull requests,
- We accepted 21 pull requests.
Here are our top contributors and their contributions:
Hacktoberfest has been fantastic, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! We're looking forward to doing it all over again next year. We appreciate everyone who took part!
Feel free to explore additional resources:
- 🔍 Try the Flyte Sandbox
- 🚀 Get started with Flyte
- 💬 Join our community on Slack
- ⭐ Star us on GitHub